Behind the Scenes with Axel Aponte

Behind the Scenes with

Axel Aponte

Way back in the day when the infamous Romeo and Juliet was adapted to the screen, little did the writer (and Shakespeare, himself) know who would find his dream all because of the story. For Axel Aponte, that very story made him want to jump into the world of entertainment and begin his career in acting.

Axel always watched movies growing up, falling in love especially with the composition and the universes which encompassed the storylines of Transformers and Marvel. The inspiration he drew from them was nothing short of monumental and helped fuel his passion. We asked how we learned to connect with his characters once assigned his role to which he replied he would look the slides over a few times; does anything appear relatable? He needed to have some sort of connection to the character, otherwise he felt certain it would not work.

Front man, extra, Axel wants to experience “the role” from every angle. When we asked about his dream role as an actor, he excitedly told us any role with Marvel or DC would be a dream come true; however, if it were up to him, he would love to play a villain (think: Joker). Talk about taking the role from a different viewpoint!

While he works on obtaining his dream role, he reminds us that taking care of your mental health is vital to producing a successful film. While filming DEATH’S VISAGE, he noted how the project had such a positive impact on him by emphasizing the importance of support, especially for the mental health aspect. As a fellow filmmaker, he reminded us to seek help as it is never a bad idea; everyone will have bad days at work (so don’t beat yourself up too much!).

If you want to connect with Axel online, check out his socials:

  • IMDb: Axel Aponte

  • Instagram: carlax.123

  • Facebook: Axel Aponte

  • TikTok: Carlax.123

Stay tuned for more updates regarding DEATH’S VISAGE!


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